The Yoni Massage - Genital Massage Therapy For Women

"I noticed that I made painful experiences on a physical level, which I could only meet again on a physical, respectful level..."


There is so much to explore in a woman's life. We carry an endless knowledge within ourselves that is waiting to finally be discovered. The dimension of being a woman is inexhaustible. The earlier we start to make use of our creative and intuitive potential, the sooner we will have the chance to really have an influence in a world of men and women.

When I first made contact with the Yoni-Massage - for me it meant an immense step to agree in this kind of massage. It took a lot of courage to make a conscious decision, which is simply to regain that birthright. With the term "birthright" I mean the right of any woman to live her sexuality to its full potential, in order to inexhaustibly draw from this healing source of power.

The Yoni-Massage is not necessarily an all encompassing medicine for a wounded sexuality, but for me the massage was and still is an experience that touches me deep inside, which reconciled me a little bit more with my womanliness and above all, allowed me to have a whole different attitude towards my sexuality.

The Yoni-Massage is our magical heart-piece. We herewith ask permission into the holiest, most female space of any woman. To get permission, one must know the magic word.

Our sexuality is very important. It is a great gift of Mother Earth, and connects us with our highest creative power. Our sexuality is not just what we need to improve our intimate relationships or to increase our physical well-being. Neither is propagation the only function, but rather our personal transformation. Our sexuality takes care of physical and emotional healing, of self-realization and spiritual growth and can be considered as a way of learning all about life and death.

Women who are aware and have the courage to heal their sexuality, despite the encumbered patriarchal history and the still sexually-opposed world, have divine forces. With their energy they can not only enthuse an individual, they have the potential to contribute to the general welfare of life itself, especially to that of women. And this is precisely the intention of the massage-ritual.

Our Yoni has a very absorbent nature, which is a wonderful characteristic. It corresponds to the female principle and has something to do with devotion. On the other hand, it has the disadvantage of absorbing and saving all negative experiences, as well as the experiences of an entire generation of women.
That is where the Yoni-Massage can reveal its healing potential, as it very consciously and carefully dissolves these wounds and blockages in order to make room for agreeable and worthwhile experiences. It is holistically oriented, which means that the ritual is meant to honour the woman in all her divinity and celebrate her power and beauty.

The experiences and feelings that a woman may have during the Yoni-Massage can be very different, ranging from sadness, oceanic lust, anger, horniness, up to indifference - everything is possible and more than that - everything is allowed. It is not at all about focussing on a special kind of feeling or fulfilling a particular expectation. The main idea is simply to observe and to realise.
The feelings that actually arise, no matter of which nature they are, can be expressed and celebrated, as they belong to us and tell our story. The special quality of the Yoni-Massage is the fact that during the massage only you are important and that you are not stepping into a sexual interaction with the giver. It is important that you let go of your concern about how the other person is feeling at the time.

The Yoni-Massage technique originates primarily from Chinese Taoism, which is very much influenced by Tantra. The technique was formulated by Annie Sprinkle, a Tantra-masseuse from America. Due to the intensive experiences I've had with my women's research group "Drachenspur", I've modified the formula where it seemed appropriate.
During the Yoni-Massage a lot of energy is built up and consciously used for transformation and mind-expansion. Regarding the sexual energy, the Taoists, and we as well, work with the idea of an inner flute, which runs along a vertical line throughout the body. Even though the inner flute is not accepted as an anatomic fact, it follows the physical and neurological paths of the body, which connect the endocrine glands.

Those seven glands - the genital gland, the adrenaline gland, the pancreas, the thymus gland, the thyroid gland, the brain-appendage gland and the pineal gland - regulate the life-force and the energy stream of the body.
By opening the inner flute, a feeling of vitality, rejuvenation and increased sexual energy will arise. Woman can experience the inner flute by visualizing how the whole sexual energy flows through this channel. As a matter of fact, a woman can actually learn to play this flute by means of the seven finger-holes, which correspond to the seven Chacras, or the energy centres of the body.

The Chacras symbolize the energy fields, which are produced by the body's endocrine glands. The seven chacras are the sexual chacra, the navel chacra, the solar-plexus chacra, the heart chacra, the larynx chacra, the forehead chacra, also known as the third eye, and the crown chacra.

Rising in the inner flute, the sexual energy will be transformed while moving through the individual chacras, which will show in different emotions, feelings and colours. The chacras are working together in a system, so to speak, in which each chacra influences the energy of another chacra. If a chacra is strained or out of balance, the other chacras will also be affected and their life-force will be reduced. With the Yoni-Massage, the sexual chacra and the heart chacra in particular will be harmonized and connected with each other.

A very important muscle for intensifying the sexual energy and desire is the "PC-muscleî. It spreads out around the pelvis in shape of a butterfly, connecting the anus and the genitals with the spine and the legs. It is the main muscle of the pelvis, controlling the opening and closing of urethra, vagina and anus. It is the muscle that woman has to trust when she urgently needs to urinate, but circumstances don't allow it. Women can feel this muscle especially strongly when they have to actively press during the expulsion stage of childbirth.

Training the PC-muscle can help women to enormously enhance their sexual desire. This pump-exercise (to flex and relax the PC-muscle) does not just prepare your PC-muscle for sexual practices, but woman can also let sexual energy build up in the inner flute. This exercise, together with consciously breathing in and out (breathing in when flexing the PC-muscle and breathing out when loosening the PC-muscle) can always be integrated into the Yoni-Massage.

Of course, it is also possible to have this and other massages in our massage practice "ANANDA - the art of touch".

*) Yoni is a word derived from Sanskrit and describes the whole female genital area, from the vagina to the ovaries. Personally, I like the expression, as it keeps distance from the usual terms, which are often used in a rather negative way


"...with the yoni massage particularly the sexual chacra and the heart chacra are relaxed and linked to one another.

The Yoni-Massage technique originates primarily from Chinese Taoism, which is very much influenced by Tantra. Both emphasise on the relationship between sexuality and spirituality.

Taosm is the oldest known science of life. It is based on eight columns, which all deal with a different aspect of life. The Tao of sexuality entails the discovery and praxis of sexual behaviour. It is all about the use of sexuality and sexual energy in order to improve our health, to harmonise and to gain heightened awareness.

Tantra cultivates the senses to become able to recognise sexual power and to use it: from the depths of our being to the effects of our sexual actions on others and on the entire cosmos, which we are connected to. ItÍs about recognising the divine principle of Shiva in the man and the divine female principle of Shakti in the woman.

This kind of yoni massage was formulated by Annie Sprinkle - a Tantra-masseuse from America. Due to the intensive experiences I've had with my women's research group "Drachenspur", I've modified the formula where it seemed appropriate.

Energetical processes during the yoni massage
(from "Die Kunst der sexuellen Ekstase" by Margo Anand)

During the yoni massage a lot of energy is built up, which consciously leads to transformation and mind expansion. Margo Anand, tantrist and founder of the Sky Dancing Tantra, and us as well work, in terms of sexual energy, with the image of an inner flute. This "inner flute" runs in a vertical line inside the body and serves as a tool for imagination, in order to follow the neurological and physical paths in the body, linking the endocrine glands.
These seven glands, the ¿ the gonads, the adrenaline gland, the pancreas, the thymus gland, the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland and the pineal gland regulate the life energy and the energy floor in the body.
Opening this inner flute creates a feeling of vitality, rejuvenation and raised sexual energy. With the use of visualisations woman can experience the inner flute by letting the arising sexual energy flow through this channel.
So you can actually learn how to play this flute, with the help of seven finger holes, which correspond with the seven chacras or energy centres of the body. The chacras symbolically represent the energetic field, which are created by the endocrine glands of the body.
Rising in the inner flute, the sexual energy will be transformed while moving through the individual chacras, which will show in different emotions, feelings and colours.

The chacras:

1. The sexual chacra:
The first chacra corresponds to the sexual centre and is associated with giving birth and all emotions, which relate to life and survival. When the energy can flow freely through this chacra, youÍll notice how the sexual drive will encourage you to be wild, to release tension and to gain fulfilment.

2. The navel chacra:
The second chacra is directly under the navel. It is the natural balance and movement centre of the body. When the energy can flow freely through this centre, you feel strong and vitalised, and feel liveliness, which is given to us by a healthy and relaxed body.

3. The solar-plexus-chacra:
This chacra is directly underneath the middle of the last rib. Here sexual energy is experienced as personal power, as charisma and self-confidence. When this chacra is relaxed and open, lovers can control their feelings and can have an equal partnership.

4. The heart chacra:
This chacra is in the rib cage, right in the middle of the line between the nipples. Here sexual energy is experienced as a desire to become one with the other person ¿ both have the feeling of being part of the other person.

5. The larynx chacra:
When this chacra is opened, the woman knows who she is and what she wants and is also able to express it.

6. The forehead chacra or the Third Eye:
When the sexual energy has reached this point it is very pure, fresh and clear, and linked to the raised feeling of freedom and wideness. YouÍll discover the power of intuition and imagination and youÍll have inner visions.

7. The scull cap and crown chacra:
When the energy has reached the scull cap, youÍll feel the happiness to be linked to all things and human beings that surround you.

The chacras are working together in a system, in which each chacra influences the energy of another chacra. If a chacra is strained or is out of balance the other chacras will also be affected and their life-force will be reduced. With the Yoni-Massage, the sexual chacra and the heart chacra in particular will be harmonized and connected with each other.

The PC- Pump:

A very important muscle for intensifying the sexual energy and desire is the "PC-muscleî. It spreads around the pelvis in the shape of a butterfly, connecting the anus and the genitals with the spine and the legs. It is the main muscle of the pelvis, controlling the opening and closing of urethra, vagina and anus. It is also the muscle that woman has to trust when she urgently needs to urinate, but circumstances don't allow it. Women can feel this muscle especially strongly when they have to actively press during the expulsion stage of childbirth.
Training the PC-muscle can help women to enormously enhance their sexual desire and to have a vaginal orgasm without penetration. This pump-exercise (to flex and relax the PC-muscle) does not just prepare your PC-muscle for sexual practices, but woman can also let sexual energy build up in the inner flute. This exercise, together with consciously breathing in and out (breathing in when flexing the PC-muscle and breathing out when loosening the PC-muscle) can always be integrated into the Yoni-Massage.